Successfully Completed Peace Program for School Children!
Successfully Completed Peace Program for School Children!
We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our three-year Peace Program aimed at nurturing harmony among school children. Through engaging workshops, interactive sessions, and inspiring activities, we’ve empowered our future leaders with the values of empathy, respect, and understanding.
Witnessing the growth of each child as they embraced the principles of peace has been truly heartwarming. Their enthusiasm and commitment to building a better world give us hope for a brighter future.
A big thank you to all the students of Grandpass St. Joseph’s College, Principal, teachers, parents, and volunteers who made this journey possible. Together, we are shaping a generation that values peace and unity. Let’s continue spreading kindness and compassion wherever we go!
#PEACEProgram #BuildingFutureLeaders #HarmonyAndUnity