The earth is not ours, we belong to it
Seth Sarana Caritas-Colombo and the people of Bopitiya Parish organized a tree planting and cleaning program at St. Nicholas Church on the 14th of June to coincide with World Environment Day.
Rev. Fr. Prasad Rangana, Assistant Director of Seth Sarana, Rev. Fr. Nimal Jayantha. Priest of Bopitiya Parish, Mr. Dinusha Nanayakkara, Member of the Muthurajawela Sanctuary Protection Organization and Veteran Actor Rodney Warnakula were also present.
Mee, Kubuk, Karanda plants were planted in the premises of the Bopitiya Church and on both sides of the Hamilton Canal. A walk was organized to awaken the people and the rulers by displaying creative boards containing their ideas with the aim of protecting the environment.
Rev. Fr. Nimal Jayantha said that “the environment is the greatest of all religions”, quoting Genesis 2:4-7 from the Word of God and explaining God’s responsibility to mankind for the environment. Veteran actor Rodney Warnakula emphasized in the minds of young children, “The earth is not ours; but we belong to it.” Mr. Dinusha nanayakkara, a membember of the Muthurajawela Sanctuary protection Organization also gave a keynote address on the importance of the Muthurajawela ecosystem targeting children and adults in the Bopitiya area. The children who joined in this noble cause also said, “Adults, do not destroy the nature in which we breathe.” Therefore, we fulfill our duty to the environment by making sure that we do not borrow from the breath we take.